SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan Contest Registration, Prize Money, Eligibility Criteria

SAB TV has come up with a contest for all the viewers of the channel. The name of the contest is SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan. SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan Contest Registration and Prize Money.
The contest is exclusive for the viewers of the channel SAB TV. Check out more details about the contest here on this website. And stick around this page for more recent details.

SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan Contest Registration
To be a part of the contest the first thing you have to do is register yourself.
The registration process for the show is easy. The steps for registration are given below.
- While the shows of the SAB TV are running on weekdays that is Monday to Friday from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM a code will be appearing.
- This will be a 3 digit alphanumeric code displaying on the TV screen.
- All you have to do is note the code appearing on the screen.
- Now send a text message writing the code appearing on the screen and the show name on the phone number “9702444420”
NOTE: Make sure you send the SMS in the given time slot of the show as entries after that will be rejected.
Make sure you write the correct code and the correct corresponding show name to get yourself qualified in the contest.
There is no limit to the number of text you send that means you can send as many text messages as you wish with the code and show name.
SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan Contest Eligibility Criteria
- Participant must be a citizen of India and residing in Mumbai.
- The participant should be of 18 years or more.
SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan Contest Prizes
The winning prize for the show is a voucher of Rs. 5000 for every half an hour.
The process of selection of the winner is going to be random from the registration done per hour.
Lucky 5 winners will be bagging in the vouchers of Rs. 5000
- Contest Name: SAB TV Unlock Khushiyaan
- Dates: September 7, 2020 to September 18, 2020
- Contest Time: 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM
- Contest Days: Monday to Friday
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