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SAB TV Auditions F I R Serial Auditions and Online Registration Details

F.I.R is  an acronym for First Information Report that the Indian police prepares for each case to be investigated. It is the SAB TV Auditions for F I R Serial new Actor, You have acting talent then Register now, Registration Line is Open.

SAB TV Auditions F I R Serial Auditions and Online Registration Details

F I R Serial Online Registration 

Click Here : Online Registration MALE | FEMALE

F I R Serial Auditions Term & Conditions

Click Here : Term & Condition

SAB TV F.I.R Serial Online Audition

 F I R Serial Registration Steps

1 ) To download the script select the gender by clicking on the image

2 ) Record your video according to the script

You can upload your videos up to a maximum size of 30 Mb in the format “mp4″, “avi”, “wmv”,”3gp”, “mov”, “flv”, “mpeg”,”mpg”, “264″, “3gp2″, “3gpp”, “dvx”, “f4v”, “h264″

3 ) Register yourself by clicking on web audition

4 ) Upload your video and submit it.

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  1. Sam says

    How do I register online. I cannot find any link for this audition.959414401

  2. Feriha khan says

    Hi I am interested please my age is 18 my name is feriha khan any work you have please remember me

  3. Jainesh Pithadiya says

    Hi. My name is Jainesh Pithadiya. I need a role in tv show. I am passionate about acting. I need a chance. I am not begging for role but if you give me a chance i will show you my capabilities, talent and skills for acting. Here is mu contact no. If you want to give me chance.
    No. 9898209644
    Email- jbp4123@gmail.com

  4. rahul chatterjee says

    Hi I am interested so plz plz give me one chance