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India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 4 Auditions and Registration Start end of 2021

Zee TV is all set to come up with the new season of their popularity talent reality show India’s Best Dramebaaz. According to reports, India’s Best Dramebaaz is all set to make huge come back with the fourth season. India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 4 Auditions and Online Registration start soon in 2021.

The auditions for the 4th season of India’s Best Dramebaaz will take place in major cities in India. The upcoming season of the show is bringing golden opportunities to all talented kids all around India. This is a perfect platform to perform and showcase talent.

India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 4 Auditions 2020 and IDB Registration

India’s Best Dramebaaz is the best way to get a breakthrough in the entertainment Industry. Here are complete details about upcoming season of India’s Best Dramebaaz.

India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 4 Auditions

This is the perfect platform for all young kids to a performance showcase their talent. The auditions for the fourth season of India’s Best Dramebaaz will soon reveal by Zee TV.

IBD auditions for the upcoming season of the television reality show will be open for all kids of age between 5 years old to 14 years. The auditions dates of the show will be open from 9 AM to 2 PM. The Participant shall bring their respective costumes, props, the CD of any musical support that they require for their performance during the audition.

Pune Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Indore Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Guwahati Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Varanasi Audition (Entry basis registration only)
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Ranchi Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Lucknow Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Patna Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Bhopal Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Kolkata Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Jaipur Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Amritsar Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Dehradun Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Chandigarh Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Delhi Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Bangalore Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Nagpur Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Ahmedabad Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

Mumbai Audition
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC

The starting date for the registration and audition for India’s Best Dramebaaz season 4 is not announced yet. But soon makers of the show will make official announcement.

So more information related to the show will update on the page very soon. So make sure you stay tuned here so that you won’t miss any important date.

How to do Registration of IBD and Eligibility Criteria

The registration form of the show will be available on the official website of the channel or show. Fill registration form completely write your all personal and contact details. Along with the personal and contact details you have to also upload audition clip video.

While you can also do registration for the auditions directly on the venue of the ground audition. For more update join real-time notification.

  • The participants required for the IBD auditions between the age group 5 years to 14 years.
  • Auditions Gates will be open at 9 PM IST, so make sure participants reached at the venue on the time.
  • Who is participating in India’s Best Dramebaaz upcoming season, they should be either citizen of India or an NRI.
  • Participants should be not any criminal record and medically fit.

For the more time to time update about this show, please keeping visit this website again and again. Here you will also get more stuff about TV show, Web Series and upcoming Serials information.

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  1. akshia pandey says

    hello friends My name is akshita pandey My age is 13 years old My school name is rainbow public school my contact number 8449050913 I want to go indias best drammebaz season 4 2021 please any one send me the auditon form

  2. Pari says

    Good evening
    My name is pari rajput ,i am 12 year old & i am from ludhiana & i wanted to participant in it becoz i am biggest dramebaaz plz notify the detail of audition venue & time plz

  3. Pari Ho mai says

    Good evening
    My name is pari rajput, i am 12 year old & i wanted to participant becoz i am biggest dramebaaz plz give me a chance thanks
    Notify me as early as possible please
    Email id -myrarajput149@gmail.com

  4. Alan says

    What is the date of audition

  5. shivanshi says

    we are from shimla -Shivanshi 8219923781

  6. Srijeeta Patra says

    Hi myself Srijeeta Patra from Purulia district West Bengal. I am of 13 years . My question is that where I will get the form for the online audition for India ‘s Best Dranebaaz???

    1. Saniya khan says

      Which is the date of audition in dehradun and chandigarh

  7. Mahi tank says

    Please give me a chance to join I like acting too much please select me

  8. Mahi tank says

    Please give me a chance to join I like acting too much

  9. arpita ranjan says

    pls contact me for india’s best dramebaaz or you can email me also as i love acting

    1. Shivam Vishwakarma says

      Hi, I am Shivam Vishwakarma from Thane(W) I want to participate India’s Best Dramebaz to show my talent

  10. arpita ranjan says

    pls contact me for india’s best dramebaaz or you can email me also

  11. Paridhi says

    Sir my name is Paridhi R Chauhan. I am 7 years old. I want to show my talent. Plz give a chance. For contacting call or message on -8758635063

  12. Manulata singh says

    I am arpit my age 13 ago please please one more chance please please sir

  13. Manya mishra says

    My name is manya mishra. I am 7 year old. I am interested to participate.

  14. DEVESH TIWARI says

    My name is devesh tiwari from UP LKO my age 13 years old

  15. Ansh says

    I love acting my name is ansh chaudhary please select me

  16. Kanika says

    Name – kanika
    My age is 13 year old and I wanted to go for india ‘S best dramebaaz, update please notify me my e-mail I’d is

  17. Kanika says


  18. Imtiyaz says

    I am Imtiyaz hurra from Kashmir I love acting I want to go India for acting please give a single chance please please and please

  19. Anushka says

    MY AGE IS-

  20. Renu kumari says

    My name is shreya from Bilaspur C.G . I am very interested to come in India’s best dramebaaz. I want to attend the audition. Please contact me on 9340822995. I am a daughter of mrs. Renu kumari and I am 13 years old.

  21. Sweekriti says

    I love acting please contact 9719660842

  22. Sahraj Ahsan says

    Good evening
    My name is -: Sahraj Ahsan
    And my age is 14 years, I wanted to go for IBD
    As a contestant, Please notify me if any update came
    Contact me -: #9101120925

    1. Saniya khan says

      917668932386 plz contact me in this no i also particate in this show

  23. Sahraj Ahsan says

    Good evening
    My name is -: Sahraj Ahsan
    My age is 14 years and I wanted to go for India’s best dramebaaz, if any update come then please notify me my e-mail id is
    -: #9101120925

  24. Kuljinder kaur says

    My name is Kuljinder Kaur I am 14 years old girl I want to get in India’s Best Dramebaaz it is a humble request please contact me on 9592821936

    1. Sahraj Ahsan says

      Good evening
      My name is -: Sahraj Ahsan
      My age is 14 years and I wanted to go for India’s best dramebaaz, if any update come then please notify me my e-mail id is

    2. Renu kumari says

      My name is shreya from Bilaspur C.G . I am very interested to come in India’s best dramebaaz. I want to attend the audition. Please contact me on 9340822995. I am a daughter of mrs. Renu kumari and I am 13 years old. I am interested in acting.

  25. Kuljinder kaur says

    My name is kuljinder kaur I am 14 years old girl and I want to get in Indias best dramebaaz so please contact me on 9592821936

    1. Priyank Sharma says

      Hey I am priyank Sharma , 16year old boy there is a very humble request please contact me as soon as possible , my contact number is 9824535951

  26. Shubh Jaiswal says

    Plz contact me on this no. 9415268963 i love acting

  27. Rhythm says

    Plz contact me on 9255951157

  28. Rhythm says

    Mam / sir I really want to do acting because acting is my life please send the Venue and date of kurukshetra

  29. Prabhat Kumar Soryavanshi says

    I really want to give auditions.
    Please notify me at this e-mail address.

  30. Prateksha tripathi says

    Please contact me on this number 9450154439 please give me one chance please please

  31. diksha kumari says

    sir i love acting i want to participating in india best dremebaaz please contact me in 8804025065

    1. Anmol says

      Sir i love and so much love of acting pls participating me 9058374645

  32. Priyanshi sehra says

    Hiii..My name is priyanshi sehra ……I want to participate in this show …So please contact me … Please sir

  33. Ananya choudhary says

    Plz contact me on this number
    I want to participate in the show plz take me give me one chance.

  34. Shivani pathak says

    My name is Shivani Pathak , I want to participate in this show .. so please contact me on my Gmail pathak1shivani@gmail.com … Please

  35. Niharika pandey says

    My name is niharika pandey .I believe that I have that acting ka keeda . I request you to call me 9899622046.please if there is any information related to auditions than please in me .

  36. Niharika says

    My name is niharika pandey and I believe that I have acting ka keeda ,I request you to call me 9899622046 please and please inform me if there is any information related to this.

  37. Niharika pandey says

    My name is niharika pandey and I believe that I have acting ka keeda ,I request you to call me 9899622046 please and please inform me if there is any information related to this.

  38. Niharika pandey says

    My name is niharika .

    1. Niharika pandey says

      My name is niharika pandey and I believe that I have acting ka keeda ,I request you to call me 9899622046 please and please inform me if there is any information related to this.

  39. Krishna says


  40. kashish yadav says

    Sir my name is kashish yadav and i m theater actor in shahjahanpur . I want to participate in this show so plz inform me about the auditions. thanku

  41. Khushi says

    My name is khushi main ik actor bana cahati hu plz sir call me 8054101277 jagdishchawla2255@gmail.com

  42. Jai bhardwaj says

    My no 9719205577 my daughter is good to dramebaaz
    &wants to participate in u r show she is also a good dancer and wait for good platform she is 5 year old. Plz rply my no mah or WhatsApp.

  43. audition says

    Audition Indias best dramebaaz Wts app number +919796713356

  44. aishwayasaiking says

    plz contact me sir 9986043817,9986043820 i will participating sir

    1. Rhythm says

      Plz contact me on 9255951157 I really want to do acting because acting is my life plz sir / mam

      1. Sahraj Ahsan says

        Good evening
        My name is -: Sahraj Ahsan
        My age is 14 years and I wanted to go for India’s best dramebaaz, if any update come then please notify me my e-mail id is
        -: 9101120925