Colors Marathi Jai Jai Swami Samartha To Hit TV Screens on this date

Colors Marathi is gearing up to launch a new TV show very soon. The upcoming TV shows on the channel are titled Jai Jai Swami Samarth. The TV show will be based on the Life Of Swami Samartha. Finally, after a wait of months, the starting date of the Jai Jai Swami Samartha is out. So here are our complete details about the broadcasting schedule of the show. Also, find out more information related to the Colors Marathi Jai Jai Swami Samartha Start Date, Time, Cast.
Colors Marathi is one of the popular TV channels in Maharashtra. The TV channel has launched many hit TV shows like Balu Mamachya Navane Chang Bhala, Jeev Zala Yeda Pisa, Raja Rani Chi ga Jodi. While recently it has launched shows like Chandra Aahe Sakshila, Sukhi Mansacha Sadra.

Colors Marathi Jai Jai Swami Samartha Start Date
Jai Jai Swami Samartha is one of the highly anticipated TV show of the channel. Fans are extremely excited to watch this TV show. The teaser of the show was out a few months ago. Ever since then it has created a huge buzz among viewers. Finally, the channel and makers of the show have announced the official starting date of the show.
Jai Jai Swami Samartha will hit TV screens on 28th December. So is expected that the TV show will replace one of the ongoing show of the channel. So more details related to the time slot of the show will be available on the page very soon.
You guys can also catch the online broadcast of the show at any time and anywhere. Voot’s official website and the app will provide the online broadcast of the show. You can download the Voot app from the Google Play Store and app store.
Stay tuned with us to get latest updates from new TV shows. Also, don’t forget to check out audition update of an upcoming television reality show.
Hello.. Myself Kaveri Nitin Rozekar
Jay jay swami samarth serial madhe role melel ka sir mala. Mala khup mahiti ahe shri swami samrthan badal me tyachi devote ahe. I request you sir please sanga mala me khup interested ahe ani hya adhi me thetre kela ahe sir.
Details. –
I m interested in serial if any please inform me.
Kaveri Nitin Rozekar
Age: 20
Height : 5.4
Profession : singer
Completing with my BA in music
Specialisation music
More details :
I m a model.
Done modeling shows like
Mr n mrs Maharashtra
Mr n mrs india
Hirkani fashion show
Didt enternal Elegance. Etc
Music : completed my 5 exam of gandarwa exam in classical music.
Thetre :
Pauspadya natak
Waiting for sensation
But before live… Etc
Sir , Mala hya serial madhe roll milel ka. Mi aadhi kam kele aahe.
What is the telecast time in morning
मला सिरियल मध्ये काम मिळेल का?
Jay jay swami samrth serial mdhe role midel ka mla …ekadi gavatli mulgi mhnun ..
Sir mla ya Serial madhe Roll bhetel ka me pahila pan kam kelay
I want to do rol in serials zee tv